Emily McConnell

I completed my first yoga teacher training with Justine Lemos PhD, and Scott Miller, director of Western Yoga College in 2012. This training focused on classical Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga on a physical, mental and emotional level. After my initial training I felt inspired to broaden my understanding, and have since trained in Restorative, Yin, Mantra and Ayurvedic Yoga. Currently, I teach several weekly group classes, and I’ve expanded my offerings to include teacher training, private yoga, workshops, and retreats. I love traveling to teach as well, so I’m available locally for home visits or special events. It is my intention to continue providing an encouraging space for yoga, to collaborate with other yoga teachers, and to serve our community with joy and gratitude.

Yoga Space
Sutras Yoga Studio in Anchor Bay was first established in 2014, and continues to be a space for myself and several other yoga teachers to offer weekly yoga classes, workshops, retreat gatherings and more. My intention for this space is to keep yoga accessible to our community, to provide a welcoming encouraging atmosphere, and to collaborate with other teachers to share their knowledge and experience. Check www.sutrasyoga.com for information about all the teachers, pricing, class schedule and upcoming events.

My approach to teaching is to respond with awareness and compassion to my students sharing my love of yoga in action. I specialize in reducing anxiety, stress and depression, while increasing joy, bliss and energetic vitality.

Morning and Evening Flow classes often include Sun or Moon Salutations, to find steadiness through repetition. As the seasons change, the style of our flow classes shift like the weather- from more action to less, warm to cold, dry to wet- to find balance within the fluctuations in our lives.

In Restorative classes and workshops, I focus on sharing methods for deep relaxation, on a physical and emotional level. We have some gentle movement, but most poses are passive and completely supported for ultimate ease and comfort.



707-896-5258 (H)
714-345-8228 (C)

emily mcconnell




Anchor Bay
(Sutras Yoga Studio)

“My wounds became my spectacles, helping me to see what I encounter with empathy, and with a grateful sense of privilege.”
~ Martin R. Lipp

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